Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Dear Child, 

I am writing this letter in response to the letter that Satan wrote you the other day.

First and foremost you may not know me but I call you my child, I know everything about you; before you were born. In fact I engineered your being when you were in your mother’s womb and I knew the exact time and place where you are going to be born, I know what you think, the hairs on your head and everything that concerns you and this is because I Love you so much. 
The thoughts that I have for you are uncountable like the sand of the seashore. What about the plans that I have for you? They are just prosperous and they will give you a hope and a future.

I know sometimes you misrepresent me among your peers, On Monday I saw you getting to work late and lied about it, On Tuesday I noticed that you woke up in morning and rushed to your normal day to day business without giving me the gratitude. OH! On Wednesday as you were getting to back home you showered the conductor with lots and lots of curses because of giving you less change. You then decided to sum up your week by going to your usual club on Friday, got high and did things that I wouldn’t want to remind you.

But then, should I still tell you that I Love you so much. Despite all that, I am not far and mad but am still going to express my Love to you in every way I can. I will still lavish my Love upon your life; I will take care of you as a shepherd takes care of his flock. I will not deter the plans I have for you, I will shield you when your enemies come, when those temptations come your way, I will also provide a way out. When you are in need I will be your Provider, you will not lack anything because I hold you close to my heart. When you heart is at War, I’ll instill Peace in you and grant you the Joy. I really Love you with an everlasting and unfailing Love and I will never stop doing good to you.

My desire is to establish you with all my Heart and Soul and show you great and mighty things that will change your life. I desire to do more for you if you only abide in me. I don’t count or hold anything against you because I sent my only precious and passionate Son Jesus Christ to die for you, so that I may be reconciled to you and that you may be saved and enjoy the goodness and fullness in me. His death was the ultimate expression of my Love to you; I gave you what I valued so that I may have you. You seek me with all your heart and you will find me and I will give the desires of your heart. Delight in me and I will delight in you. When you are broken - heart, I will be next to you. I really Love you so much and I would want you to accept me in your life.

Lastly my child, one day I’ll wipe all the tears in your eyes, no more death on your way, no mourning and no pain, you will sit beside me and I will throw you the biggest Party ever. I really can’t write everything now, but this letter is just a sample of the 66 Love letters that I have designed for you i.e. The Bible. 

My Questions is: Will You Accept Me?

Yours Sincerely

Loving God

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