Wednesday, June 11, 2014


“Lies, Lies, Lies, It cannot be the truth...” “Are you for real...Do you want to tell me that you’ve never...” These are basically some of the responses that I get when I tell someone that I am still a virgin. It appears to be a response that is very scarce in the speech of young unmarried people in the current generation. To tell someone you’ve not had sex with anyone and you’ll wait till to have it with your spouse seems more or less like an insult rather than something that would attract compliments and flatters.

In my previous article “Everyone wants a piece”, I highlighted the fact that most young unmarried people desire to have sex as at now and are unwilling to wait till marriage. It seems to be the fashion, the in-thing. If you’ve not done it then you tend to qualify in the category of outcasts among your peers. It seems that there’s a wide and unseen banner displaying “True Love doesn’t wait after all”.

And basically that’s where I’ve been put “an outcast” because I’ve not engaged in something that automatically qualify me. 

And you know, one of the questions that they proceed to ask me is “Don’t you ever feel like having sex at any moment as a man?” or they would pop a question like “You mean your girlfriend has never asked you to engage in it?” 

Well folks, sex seem to the sweetest thing that God ever created and the feelings and desires that God created us with indicate that it is something to yearn for. And do I desire to have sex? Honestly, yes people, as a man with hormones et al, it’s something that I always crave for. But then why is it up to now in my mid – twenties, it happens that I have not had sex with anyone at all and that I am still a virgin? 

Is it because I am not interested? Or could it because I am just pathetic in tuning up a girl? Or maybe it is that I’ve never had the chance of being in an environment that would allow me to engage in it? Or can we say is it could be because God has plainly created me perfectly with supernatural abilities to kill off my desires that rise up the moment a lady tunes me up? 

I can confidently tell you it is neither of the above people. I can tune up a lady, am not that feeble. And I have had the chance too and God created me with just like any other human being with feelings and I still sin. But without further ado people, let me explain why I have chosen to remain a virgin till I get married.

Honestly, one of the main reasons is because “I am just scared”. Yes, don’t you even dare think that I am that cowardice. Despite of the very many negative consequences that come with sex before marriage, I am just scared of this one. I will have sinned against God. It’s basically a Sexual Sin. And we all know that Sin separates us from God. God has instructed us clearly in the Bible that we should flee from sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 6:18 – 20), on this case it is fornication. Fornication in the modern dictionary is defined as voluntary sexual intercourse between two an unmarried people. 

When I decide to sleep with an unmarried lady, I will not only have committed fornication, but in reality I will have also committed adultery. Yes people, adultery in the sense that I am sleeping with someone else' wife. Dating is NOT marriage people. And since we’re not married and we’re not sure yet if we’ll even marry, it simply pertains to someone else' future wife. Yet God created Sex solely for use in a marriage setting because having sex results in soul – ties. Soul – ties are basically linkages in the soul realm between two people. It could be negative or positive, but in a marriage setting it positive in that, its purpose is to build  healthy, strong and close relationship between a man and woman. (Read Matthew 19:5 “For this cause shall a man...”)

If I sleep with a lady who isn’t my wife, it results in sin people. I will end up ruining the relationship that I have with Christ. And this not just an insult to God but also  despise for the fact that he has already given me warnings, directions and even guidelines on how to conduct myself. He’s like “I don’t tempt people, but even then when temptation comes your way, I’ll still provide a way out” (1 Cor 10:13).

God has been more than gracious to grant me the gift of life, protection, providence and even He’s been merciful to forgive me of my sins. How do I just knowingly start sinning after what He has done?  Don’t you think it’s more a like a slap on His Face? Yes people, it is more than that. 

I will wait till then and only till then I am in a holy matrimony to have sex with my female wife. And it is because I just don’t want to Sin and grieve God. I want to be righteous and holy before Him as I allow Him to work on me and when the right time comes then, I’ll proceed with the necessary.

Now you know!!!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


“I am virgin”, I’ll wait till marriage for me to sleep with anyone”, and many other phrases that people say. Do you know how rare it is for you to hear these words come out from the mouth of a teenager or a young unmarried adult? Yes it is. Just try mentioning these words in front of other people and you might be the laughing stock of the day. This is because Sex has been the current trend in all sorts of ways be it the most synonymous of vocabularies, photos or even videos.  Sex has been become the new “Swag” so to say. Everyone is having sex with everyone in the name of Love. Everyone wants a Piece of the "Cake". No one is seeing the problem of having Sex before marriage which is supposed to be the intended context. 

Sex is now the symbol being used to showcase our Love towards our so called boyfriends and girlfriends. The Saddest part of all this is that, it’s not a big deal to find two teenage Lovebirds sleeping around in the name of love. I work with teenagers and from a factual point most of them get to sleep around by the time they’re 14 years old and others as early as 12. I have had chat with a teenager who has confessed to have already slept with 7 guys at the age of 15. Apparently most of them know its wrong but they still engage in it to prove to the other partner how in Love they’re with them. 

You see folks, the one thing the devil has been able to succeed in one of the very many millions of lies that he harbours is that sex is equated with “Making Love”. This is so especially by the soap operas that fills our TV stations. In such soaps, Love is always confirmed by having sex. Sex is now losing its real meaning and real purpose. It’s no longer Sacred the way it was created to be. Love and Sex are two different things, there can be Love without Sex and there can be Sex without Love.

I just don’t believe that when you’re in a relationship, you have to sleep with your so called “Love” to cement your relationship to give it a meaning. You see, I was in a relationship where the other partner saw no big deal in having sex even as Christians, despite the fact that I told her that I decided to wait till when the holy matrimony allows me.
On top of that, her friends used to get shocked when she told them that we don’t engage in such. In fact one friend asked her “how do you survive without it?” And I keep asking myself if Sex is water that one has to have it or else die. (For those in marriage, it’s part of it). This shows you the extent of the situation. It’s just as casual as it is, now that it’s becoming a must for everyone to have it whether you’re in a relationship or not. 

But I still believe we have remnants, those “Old Fashioned”, “Old School” like me who still believe that Sex was created and should be preserved for a marriage setting. I go to the extent to believe that French kissing and acts such as caressing should also be preserved for the holy matrimony. I even believe that if your girlfriend or boyfriend keeps suggesting or pressuring you to have sex or engage in such, you should discontinue the relationship for the sake of your future. It’s not hard but very possible. (Ask me)

This is because such sexual acts are progressive, meaning one leads to another. Kissing leads you to desire to do something more. Your body will want to go onto the next step, and eventually lead to Sex.

The main reason why am writing this piece is that sex outside marriage is a sin. I believe that it is only your marriage partner who is the only person who will need to ever know you in those most intimate of ways. I believe that God has made marriage like that as an illustration of the special, exclusive relationship which He has with his people. (Heb 13:4)

This helps us more to even think more about Kissing, Caressing, Petting and all those sexual acts that you might be thinking.  You need to think about it in light of the fact that you might one day be married.  Although you can’t be sure you’ll end up married, there’s a pretty good chance that you will.  What’s more, there’s at least a possibility that you won’t be married to your current girlfriend according to a Harris Interactive Online Survey.

Fast forward all that in your mind to the time when you are married. God wants and (I also know you will want) your marriage relationship to be as special as it can be.  So the less you do now physically with your girlfriend or boyfriend, I believe the more special your marriage relationship will be. Although I am not married I know that it will also make it easier for you to be satisfied with your wife if you don’t have other experiences to compare her with.

As you keep watching Samantha Bridal, Wedding shows and even attending other people’s weddings, one can’t get enough of being marveled at the spectacle of the exquisiteness during the wedding, and people are always left in awe knowing very well and even believing that these two lovebirds will live happily ever after.

Everyone wants that, to have such, a good marriage life full of Joy, happiness and Peace. I want that too. But in order to enjoy that future, then I need to sacrifice and work out my present. I need to make some radical decisions and design some concrete principles that will stand the test of time even if I become the laughing stock of the school, work, estate or even church. 

One person who does not fail in helping one to craft all these principles and decisions is other than God.
He says in 1 Peter 5:10 And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. (NIV)

Stay Blessed.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


One of the over 150 different U.S tribe was one called Navajo. The NAVAJO of the South Western United States are the largest federally recognized tribe of the United States of America with 300,048 enrolled tribal members. The Navajo Nation constitutes an independent government, which manages the Navajo Indian reservation in the four corner areas of the United States. The Navajo language is spoken throughout the region with the most capable of speaking as well.

Now, during the World War II, the Navajo were used in every assault that the US made on the Pacific from 1942 – “45 and they served in all six Marine divisions, Marine Raider battalions and Marine parachute units, transmitting messages by telephone and radio. This was because the U.S used the Navajo language to convey high security messages during the war which was impossible for the Japanese who are highly skilled code breakers to break & decipher.

You see the Navajo language consisted of an unwritten language of extreme complexity. Its syntax and tonal qualities, not to mention dialects, make it unintelligible to anyone without extensive exposure and training. It has no alphabet or symbols, and is spoken only on the Navajo lands of the American Southwest. One estimate indicates that less than 30 non-Navajos, none of them Japanese, could understand the language at the outbreak of World War II.

The U.S used the uniqueness of the Navajo language to its advantage in World War II. Rather than encrypting radio messages, it proved simpler to use Navajos to speak to each other in their everyday language to convey high-security messages & it worked. And unlike with machine codes, the Japanese were never able to break the Navajo code. This skill, creativity and uniqueness helped to save both American lives and marine engagements. And remember that U.S was the one country that made a halt to the World War II after the atomic bomb was dropped in the Japanese Islands of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This partly led to it now becoming the World’s most powerful nation.

In Kenya we have more than 42 unique tribes. Each tribe in Kenya has their own distinctive social and economical cultural engagements that make them very distinct.

How do we take advantage of all these tribes to develop Kenya and make it a Social, Economical and Powerful power house in Africa instead of taking refuge in our ethnic & tribal cocoons by fighting each other and thinking that our tribes are superior to other People’s tribes?

Please decode that Question for yourself?

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Everyone asks me the above the Question. And most of the times, I have realized that most of the answers that they get are presuppositions based on what they’ve been earlier told or an observation they’ve made probably on a onetime experience with me. It happens that Less than 10% of what they say about me is true or “near” truth. And this has led to misunderstandings & misapprehension of the Real Val. 

In view of this, I have decided to scribe a short write up that would seek to reveal to you an idea of who Val is; the creation of our Heavenly Father who carefully and perfectly knitted and wired every part of his body, mind and soul to become who he is now.

I am an ambitious and passion driven person who aggressively pushes himself to accomplish a given mission. Considering that I am task – oriented person, I do this with vigor, energy and aggression. When it comes to work, I usually dominate other people not for the wrong reasons but when I want it done and done on time. In that case I am straightforward, frank, self-sufficient, creative, critical, and no-nonsense individual with zeal and drive. When it comes to people, I am a relational person who gets social and familiar but still approaches with caution maintaining easiness. I approach links with honesty, straightforward and openness and that has sometimes gotten me in trouble with friends for being too bare with facts. To make it clear, I don’t relate to please other people. It’s either you like me or not, accept me or not.

I have been called a Proud Person, others have said that am Cocky, other have even said that am full of myself. I don’t think so, am just one person who believes in self –confidence and cultivation of a positive self – esteem culture in my life. I don’t shy away from displaying my successes and failures. You learn a lot from them. Am not a laid-back person; I see and take action immediately and that makes me a proactive character. (Go - Getter). Considering that I am on this earth for a season but for a reason, I usually give my all in everything that I do and for that matter, I don’t entertain excuses, laziness, time wastage and under-performers. My Motto is “Go hard or Go Home.”  If you don’t do it, I’ll do it myself.

All these make up part of my personality, something that I was born with and cannot change. As a result of that I remain mostly unapologetic about who Val is. 

Despite all that, am not faultless. I am an imperfect person created by a perfect Creator who is perfectly working in my Life to make me the best of what He wants me to be. I Leave God to define me and stamp His identity in me.

Who is Val? -----> A Nobody, Here to tell Everybody, About Somebody, Who can save anybody...#A Slave of the Lord Jesus Christ...#...!!!

(This is not an exhaustion of who Val is, as I said in the beginning, it’s just a of snippet who Val is. You can use this to help you create a snippet of who you are)


Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Dear Child, 

I am writing this letter in response to the letter that Satan wrote you the other day.

First and foremost you may not know me but I call you my child, I know everything about you; before you were born. In fact I engineered your being when you were in your mother’s womb and I knew the exact time and place where you are going to be born, I know what you think, the hairs on your head and everything that concerns you and this is because I Love you so much. 
The thoughts that I have for you are uncountable like the sand of the seashore. What about the plans that I have for you? They are just prosperous and they will give you a hope and a future.

I know sometimes you misrepresent me among your peers, On Monday I saw you getting to work late and lied about it, On Tuesday I noticed that you woke up in morning and rushed to your normal day to day business without giving me the gratitude. OH! On Wednesday as you were getting to back home you showered the conductor with lots and lots of curses because of giving you less change. You then decided to sum up your week by going to your usual club on Friday, got high and did things that I wouldn’t want to remind you.

But then, should I still tell you that I Love you so much. Despite all that, I am not far and mad but am still going to express my Love to you in every way I can. I will still lavish my Love upon your life; I will take care of you as a shepherd takes care of his flock. I will not deter the plans I have for you, I will shield you when your enemies come, when those temptations come your way, I will also provide a way out. When you are in need I will be your Provider, you will not lack anything because I hold you close to my heart. When you heart is at War, I’ll instill Peace in you and grant you the Joy. I really Love you with an everlasting and unfailing Love and I will never stop doing good to you.

My desire is to establish you with all my Heart and Soul and show you great and mighty things that will change your life. I desire to do more for you if you only abide in me. I don’t count or hold anything against you because I sent my only precious and passionate Son Jesus Christ to die for you, so that I may be reconciled to you and that you may be saved and enjoy the goodness and fullness in me. His death was the ultimate expression of my Love to you; I gave you what I valued so that I may have you. You seek me with all your heart and you will find me and I will give the desires of your heart. Delight in me and I will delight in you. When you are broken - heart, I will be next to you. I really Love you so much and I would want you to accept me in your life.

Lastly my child, one day I’ll wipe all the tears in your eyes, no more death on your way, no mourning and no pain, you will sit beside me and I will throw you the biggest Party ever. I really can’t write everything now, but this letter is just a sample of the 66 Love letters that I have designed for you i.e. The Bible. 

My Questions is: Will You Accept Me?

Yours Sincerely

Loving God

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