In my
previous article “Everyone wants a piece”, I highlighted the fact that most
young unmarried people desire to have sex as at now and are unwilling to wait
till marriage. It seems to be the fashion, the in-thing. If you’ve not done it
then you tend to qualify in the category of outcasts among your peers. It seems
that there’s a wide and unseen banner displaying “True Love doesn’t wait after
And basically that’s where I’ve been put “an outcast”
because I’ve not engaged in something that automatically qualify me.
And you know, one of the questions that they proceed to ask
me is “Don’t you ever feel like having
sex at any moment as a man?” or they would pop a question like “You mean your girlfriend has never asked
you to engage in it?”
Well folks, sex seem to the sweetest thing that God ever
created and the feelings and desires that God created us with indicate that it is
something to yearn for. And do I desire to have sex? Honestly, yes people, as a
man with hormones et al, it’s something that I always crave for. But then why
is it up to now in my mid – twenties, it happens that I have not had sex with
anyone at all and that I am still a virgin?
Is it because I am not interested? Or could it because I am
just pathetic in tuning up a girl? Or maybe it is that I’ve never had the
chance of being in an environment that would allow me to engage in it? Or can
we say is it could be because God has plainly created me perfectly with supernatural
abilities to kill off my desires that rise up the moment a lady tunes me up?
I can confidently tell you it is neither of the above
people. I can tune up a lady, am not that feeble. And I have had the chance too
and God created me with just like any other human being with feelings and I
still sin. But without further ado people, let me explain why I have chosen to
remain a virgin till I get married.
Honestly, one of the main reasons is because “I am just
scared”. Yes, don’t you even dare think that I am that cowardice. Despite of
the very many negative consequences that come with sex before marriage, I am
just scared of this one. I will have sinned
against God. It’s basically a Sexual Sin. And we all know that Sin separates us
from God. God has instructed us clearly in the Bible that we should flee from
sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 6:18 – 20), on this case it is fornication.
Fornication in the modern dictionary is defined as voluntary sexual intercourse
between two an unmarried people.

If I sleep with a lady who isn’t my wife, it results in sin
people. I will end up ruining the relationship that I have with Christ. And
this not just an insult to God but also despise for the fact that he has already given
me warnings, directions and even guidelines on how to conduct myself. He’s like
“I don’t tempt people, but even then when temptation comes your way, I’ll still provide a
way out” (1 Cor 10:13).
God has been more than gracious to grant me the gift of
life, protection, providence and even He’s been merciful to forgive me of my
sins. How do I just knowingly start sinning after what He has done? Don’t you think it’s more a like a slap on
His Face? Yes people, it is more than that.

Now you know!!!